Friday, September 25, 2009

6 months

Well, here I am 6 months pregnant. Baby is much more active and kicking even more. It feels like sometimes when I lay on my side i must be squishing him because all of a sudden he is kicking and squirming away until i change positions! It's hard to believe this is the last month of my 2nd trimester! I can't wait to meet him, but I am savoring the peace and quiet knowing once baby arrives all will change.
It has been quiet the dramatic month I must say. Anthony and I are learning everyday to trust the LORD with all details of our lives. Like for example when the water main in your apartment breaks and floods you apartment. Praise the Lord that nothing was seriously damaged. Just a lot of floating cat food and kitty liter-yuck!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! You think he moves a lot now-just wait! He'll run out of room and be wiggling CONSTANTLY. Enjoy it, you'll miss it!
